
The overarching aim of this Inquiry is to consider the planning, design, construction, commissioning and, where appropriate, maintenance of both the Queen Elizabeth University Hospital Campus (QEUH), Glasgow and the Royal Hospital for Children and Young People and Department of Clinical Neurosciences (RHCYP/DCN), Edinburgh.
The Inquiry will determine how issues relating to adequacy of ventilation, water contamination and other matters adversely impacting on patient safety and care occurred; if these issues could have been prevented; the impacts of these issues on patients and their families; and whether the buildings provide a suitable environment for the delivery of safe, effective person-centred care.
Learn more about the background to the Inquiry here

Who is Involved?

Frequently Asked Questions

Many people find it unusual and sometimes daunting to be involved in a public inquiry. It is crucial to remember that an Inquiry is about determining the facts, and not about determining liability. Whilst an Inquiry often appears to similar to a court, it is not so, and the Chair is particularly keen that those who have information that may assist the inquiry feel able to contribute. To help with questions you may have, a series of frequently asked questions is available.

See the full list here